Monday, February 1, 2010

Goal Updates

Max out Roth – On pace!

Maintain 16% in 401k – I'm still contributing 16%!

401K balance of $60k – Fail. current balance is $41,657, I've actually gone down this month - ugh.

Make an extra $500 – Fail. I think I've made about $5 doing a few surveys. I'll have to try and pick this up a bit.

Maintain $10K emergency Fund - On pace!

Sell something on ebay – Fail. Nothing sold so far.

Pay down student loan to $32,000, so in effect my goal is to pay another $1,370 in addition to the regular payments - Fail. I've made no additional payments so far and with a rate of 1.625% I'm not entirely sure I want to.


Climb 5.11 – On pace! I'm making progress here. After taking 2 weeks off for an injury I'm back in the 10C, 10D range and am confident I can get to 11 by the end of the year.

Climb/Yoga 3x per week – Fail. But only due to injury. When healthy I've been hitting the gym regularly. Climbing 3x per week had to be reduced to 2x because when I made the goal I completely forgot that I had to set aside time to study for an exam. Even 2x might be a stretch for the next few months though. I love climbing though so it's something I'm going to make a serious effort to do as often as I can.

Consistently work out 3x per week – Fail. Again, only due to injury. Now that I'm healthy again I've been going 3-4 times a week.

Weigh 178 lbs – On pace.

Take two vacations – Fail. The Caribbean was a possibility but that seems to be losing some steam esp with all the studying I have to do. A fall vacation might be in the works though.

Look into moving – done. we looked into moving but didn't see anything better for the same or less money. It's just crazy how much rent is in the Bay Area. This is something we'll come back to in the summer and fall though - again, once I have free time after my exam.

Reviewing my list I'm hitting about .500. A few of my fails were due to being injured for a few weeks but there are a few areas that I need to work a little harder on - such as making extra money on the side. In general I'm fairly happy with where I am one month into the year, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your goals. Bay Area is super pricey. I can feel your pain especially with the housing rent. Since so many people can no longer afford or qualify for a loan to buy a house, rents have gone up. I believe it was the opposite around here a few years ago.
