Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Goal Updates

Wow, has it really been 2 weeks since I last posted? Sorry about that. I had family in town and have been studying like crazy for the CFA exam. Combined with work being busy it looks like blogging got away from me. I'll make an effort to keep on top of it better going forward.

Max out Roth – On pace!

Maintain 16% in 401k – I'm still contributing 16%!

401K balance of $60k – Fail. current balance is $42,622, I've gone up from last month but only by my contributed amount. The account return was practically 0% and I'm going to need better then that if I want to get $60k by the end of the year.

Make an extra $500 – Ahead of pace. Did a focus group and got $250 for it. Score! It was a fun mock jury focus group about software copyright infringement.

Maintain $10K emergency Fund - On pace!

Sell something on ebay – Fail. Nothing sold so far.

Pay down student loan to $32,000, so in effect my goal is to pay another $1,370 in addition to the regular payments - Fail. I've made no additional payments so far and with a rate of only 1.625% have decided this isn't something that I really want to do anymore.


Climb 5.11 – On pace! I'm making progress here. I tried and failed at a 5.11A, I just have to keep trying the climbs. I also think I need to build up some additional strength in my legs and also upper body to complete these harder climbs a bit easier.

Climb/Yoga 3x per week. This goal is temporarily reduced to 2x a week while I'm studying for the CFA exam over the next 3 months. On pace! I think I went climbing 7 times last month.

Consistently work out 3x per week – Fail. work has been busy and so I cut back to going twice a week. I'll have to work on this one.

Weigh 178 lbs – Fail! big time. I took a huge step back here with my weight dropping to 168.7 last weigh-in. This leaves me with 10 months to gain 10 pounds. Still doable but I'm going to have to hit the gym and eat more. I've come to the conclusion that I just don't eat as much as I think I do.

Take two vacations – Fail. With the CFA taking over my life, most things that are time intensive are on hold. I took a business trip to San Diego, but that doesn't count. I think a short vacation after the CFA is just what I need to help recover!

Look into moving – done. we looked into moving but didn't see anything better for the same or less money. It's just crazy how much rent is in the Bay Area. This is something we'll come back to in the summer and fall though - again, once I have free time after my exam.

Reviewing my list I'm starting to see more fails than goals I'm on pace for. Some of these I'll have to live with as I don't have nearly as much free time due to the CFA exam but there are other ares where I'll have to work harder at. In general though I'm fairly happy with where I am with two months down, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

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