Friday, November 27, 2009

Cost of Thanksgiving

Here is the final tally for our Thanksgiving diner (which includes leftovers for at least one and possible two more meals for us)

Turkey Breast $9
Squash $1
Sweet Potatoes $1
Cranberry Sauce $3
Dressing $4
Broccoli $1
Gravy $1.50
Vanilla Ice Cream $4
Pecan Pie (6 inch) $8
Pumpkin Pie (9 inch)$10
Sparkling Cranberry $3
Wine $7

Total $52.50

The real killer was buying the desserts at $22 for the pies and ice cream, which was nearly half of the overall cost. If that's taken out and you skip the wine so that you're just making the food, I think $25 is a very reasonable cost for one of the best meals of the year and getting another day or two worth of leftovers.

Instead of having turkey sandwiches, you can use the leftover turkey to make turkey chili or a soup with the turkey meat. Of course, a hot turkey sandwich with gravy does sound good...

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